Migration FAQ

Below are some answers to Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) regarding the library catalog migration and catalog freeze on February 5-7.


I wasn’t able to return my items by February 2. What should I do to return my item in time?

If you are unable to return your materials before the February 2 deadline, please hold onto them until Monday, February 12 and return them at the earliest available date after that Monday. There are currently no overdue fines on traditional materials and your library will not begin applying overdue fines on specialty items until February 13.

We encourage patrons to contact their library for assistance about specific items.


Can I still access the digital library collection during the catalog freeze?

Yes, you can! The catalog freeze will not affect borrowing digital content from your library’s digital collection including Libby. Please be aware that all library PINs will be reset on Thursday, February 8 which may affect your digital login information. The default will be the last four digits of your primary phone number.


Can I still borrow materials during the catalog freeze?

Yes! (Mostly.) While the library catalog will be down during February 5-7 for the data transfer, you can still check out materials that are on hold for you at your local library or borrow materials right off the library shelf during all three "freeze" days. You must present your physical library card to borrow materials during the catalog freeze. 

Please note that some libraries have elected to close ahead of the February 8 launch day. Make sure you confirm your library's operating hours before planning your visit.


I placed a hold before the catalog freeze. When should I expect to have my item?

While the hold request time varies for each item depending on how many people have requested an item, your library will begin processing holds on February 8. You will receive a notification when your requested item has arrived at your library for pick up.


How do I save my reading history?

To save your reading history before the catalog freeze on February 5-7, please follow the instructions on the dedicated Reading History page. If you have an extensive reading history you would like to save, please reach out to a library staff member for assistance.


Why are you changing catalog systems?

The new catalog system is part of a cooperative system called SPARK which is used by many libraries across Pennsylvania. The system was created for libraries by librarians and offers an improved user experience and new features for library patrons.

We did not consider this change lightly, but we’re confident that this transition will allow for a sustainable environment for many years to come.