Summer Quest 2024 Highlights

The Mayor of Wernersville with young patrons of the Wernersville Public Library
Mayor Melissa Dean of Wernersville and the young patrons of the Wernersville Public Library


Summer Quest 2024: Adventure Begins at Your Library started off with a wonderful Kick Off Party on June 5th, 2024. We had an ice cream bar, games and crafts for everyone. Mayor Dean held a storytime where she read "Alice in Wonderland" and an excerpt from "The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy.


ice cream bar
Our teen volunteer, Abigail, serving ice cream.
Pocket watch craft (for Alice in Wonderland)


Nixon the Triceratops
Nixon the Triceratops - Found by Roberta Straka and Mike Straka


July 9th, 2024: Field Paleontologists Mike and Roberta Straka visited the library with REAL Triceratops fossils and skull that was discovered in 1996. Participants got to experience digging up real dinosaur bones and putting together a dinosaur skeleton. There was audience participation and a magic show added as well. In addition, there was a mini museum set up that showcased photos and materials from their summer digs in South Dakota!


fossil digging 

fossils on outline of dinosaur

Mike Straka's magic show