Upcoming Programs

Crochet Collective

Beginners are welcome. Please bring your own crochet hook and register. Bring in your projects for help or feedback. Or just come to learn! The Collective meets every other Tuesday and one Saturday per month. Please call the library to register and find out when the next meeting will occur! (610)929-0589.










book club

Wednesday, July 10  |  6:30 PM

2nd Wednesday Club will be discussing Henry Winkler's Being Henry: The Fonz . . . and Beyond.

Thursday, July 11  |  12:00 PM

2nd Thursday Club will be discussing Fannie Flagg's A Redbird Christmas!

2nd thurs

Thursday, August 8  |  12:00 PM

2nd Thursday Club will welcome guest speaker, local author Patrick R. Klimcho. Visit the library to hear Klimcho give insight to his book, The College of St. Anselm. Everyone is welcome to attend this special, free book club event!